The Four Types of Dentures For Individual Needs in Doral, Florida

If you have lost your natural teeth due to damage, decay or injury, dentures can replace your missing teeth and restore your smile.  Dentures offer a natural looking solution, enhancing your appearance and benefiting your health.  Missing teeth can cause the facial muscles to droop, causing a person to look older than they actually are.

With the support from Dr. Sonia Olivares,  dentures  will appear youthful while you will be able to enjoy food and speak comfortably, just as if you still had your natural teeth.

Dentures make you look and feel your best, so you can enjoy the confidence that comes with a beautiful smile.

Are you in the process of researching different types of dentures to see which one is right for you? Dr. Sonia Olivares can help! Join us as we explain a few types of dentures and find out which one is the best for you.

Types of dentures:
1. Complete full dentures

Complete dentures replace all of a patient’s teeth. They sit on top of the gums, as opposed to dental bridges that are anchored to existing teeth. Complete dentures are typically placed within 8-12 weeks after the teeth have been removed/extracted.

2. Partial dentures
Partial dentures are used when a patient still has some of his or her natural teeth, such as when one or more teeth remain in the upper and lower jaw. There is a pink-colored base that is attached to a metal piece. These two pieces hold the denture in the mouth.

They are convenient and removable, which means you can take them out whenever you need to. Partials help to prevent the other teeth from moving, and are made from all-acrylic or acrylic material.

3. Immediate dentures

Immediate dentures are typically placed on the same day that the teeth are removed/extracted. You have to be a good candidate for this type of denture, though.

4. Overdentures

An overdenture sits on top of the gums and is held in place with dental implants. It can be placed on the upper and/or the lower jaw, depending on the patient’s needs. The overdenture is also removable.

Now that you know many of the types of dentures available , which one is right for you? How do you determine which type of denture can benefit you the most?

Well, if you live in or near  Miami,  Doral, Brickell and surrounding counties in Southern Florida, call Dr. Sonia Olivares dental office today. You can also contact us at 305-620-8272 or  by completing and submitting the form on our website. Schedule an appointment today with our dentists in Miami, Brickell and Doral , and we can help you decide which type of denture is best for you.