Simple Ways to Avoid Tooth Extraction

Often when we have a decayed or damaged tooth, we opt for dental measures which would save it. However, there are instances when restoration can no longer be done, especially if the damage is too big and has affected a large portion of the tooth. In this case, you need to have an extraction. This procedure might be unsettling especially if you do not wish to lose a tooth. If you do, then what better way is there to avoid teeth loss than preventing decay from occurring ahead of time? Here are some simple ways you can take care of your oral health and bid your worries goodbye.

(1) Brush your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth for at least two minutes twice daily to remove accumulated plaque. Using fluoridated toothpaste will help prevent cavities by protecting the enamel.

(2) Clean your tongue. Sometimes we forget about our tongue, not knowing that bits of food could also get trapped there. Some toothbrushes have rubber patches at the back which can be used to clean the tongue. You can also use a tongue scraper.

(3) Use dental floss and mouthwash. Cleaning your teeth wouldn’t be complete without flossing. Dental floss removes plaque stuck between your teeth. It is advisable to floss before brushing so that toothpaste could reach the interdental areas. Use mouthwash after brushing to kill any bacteria remaining in your mouth.

(4) Get rid of your smoking habits. The tar and nicotine present in tobacco products cause tooth discoloration. In the long run, tobacco users can also contract gum diseases and mouth cancer. Tobacco products not only harm your dental health; they can also cause illnesses to other parts of your body as well. If you are a tobacco user, it is vital that you quit as soon as possible to allow your body to recover from its negative effects. Your family, friends, or a support group can help.

(5) Limit sugar in your diet. When you were young, you may have experienced being warned by a parent not to eat too many sweets to avoid getting cavities. Sugar does not directly harm teeth, but the acids produced from it do. Consume less sugary foods and beverages such as desserts and soft drinks to help prevent tooth decay.

(6) Visit your dentist regularly. Your dentist is an expert at helping you take care of your teeth. An appointment every six months is favourable, so that you may be aware about your existing dental conditions. It is recommended to visit your dentist as soon as possible if you have problems concerning your oral health so that urgent actions may be performed before they get worse.

“An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.” Taking good care of your teeth will help them last a lifetime. However, if you ever find yourself needing a tooth extraction, Dr. Sonia Olivares offers an extensive array of high-quality dental services in Doral, Florida and would gladly cater your needs. Call 305-620-8272 today to schedule an appointment.